Here’s how we’ve helped some of our customers

We tailor all services to our customers’ needs and deliver cost-effective IT infrastructure solutions. Here are some examples.

Recovering IT systems after ransomware attack

Customer C suffered a ransomware attack earlier this year that forced them to restore their entire IT system. They needed a modern backup environment, isolated from their production environment, and chose Savecore BaaS for its performance and security.

Ensuring critical operations

Customer B, a mission-critical organization, relies on Savecore’s backup service to protect their vital information. Their environment requires robust protection mechanisms to ensure that data is always available, even in the event of regional outages.

Global Growth and a new backup solution

Customer A is a successful global manufacturing company that experienced rapid growth, leading to a dramatic increase in their data volume. With expansion across multiple continents, the demands of supporting a global business and complying with strict industry regulations became increasingly pressing. Their existing backup solution could no longer keep up with these demands.