Get started with your Minecraft server in the cloud


In just a few minutes, you can set up a ready-to-go Minecraft server and then just power up and start playing right away. Now you can create ready-to-go game servers in our PaaS.

Here is a short guide that shows you how to get a Minecraft server up and running, quickly and easily.

1. Once you are logged in to your dashboard, go to the Marketplace at the top left and search for Minecraft or look in the application list. Press Install to begin the installation.

2. Choose the address you want for your server, accept the Minecraft user agreement and install.

3. When the server is ready, it will appear in your dashboard. You will receive an email with login and address details. You can connect via SSH from your own device. Alternatively, you can use Web SSH in the dashboard as shown in the image below. There you can edit to change settings on your server, go to the official documentation to read more about how to do that.

4. click on Config in the environment menu to browse files on the server and edit them that way too.

5. Then just connect to the server with the address you received in the email earlier. Do not forget the port number after the address.

Sofia Lindblom
Cloud Account Manager

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