From internship to summer job – Joel is back


Joel Tjernström finished his two-month internship with us at the end of May. Now he is back on new assignments as a data center technician over the summer. Here he tells us about his thoughts on this.

Tell us about yourself
I was born and raised in Sundsvall and have lived here all my life until two years ago when I moved to Jönköping to study IT infrastructure. I am a very technical person as such, and enjoy learning how things work. I like everything from old typewriters to radios.

What will you be working on during the summer?
I am a data center technician but it will be a bit mixed.

Why did you choose to work with us this summer?
It started with me having an internship here and I felt that I liked it so much. So I thought, “Well, two months is probably not enough, we need a little more time here”. Above all, I feel that I fit in with the company. There’s a very nice atmosphere here and that’s worth a lot to me.

Joel Tjernström
Data Center Engineer

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