Disaster preparedness and recovery as a service

Savecore Disaster Recovery as a Service (DraaS) enables fast data recovery

Fast and secure recovery with Savecore DRaaS

Savecore Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is an add-on service to BaaS that makes it possible to quickly recover data and restart servers after a natural or man-made disaster. This is possible thanks to continuous backup to data centers in different geographical locations – all in Sweden.

Restore your systems in just a few hours

With Savecore DRaaS, your systems are back up and running in just a few hours, compared to the average of 7 to 21 days. Savecore DRaaS gives you access to fast and reliable recovery of your systems after a major incident, minimizing business disruption and data loss.

The service is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses that need to ensure business continuity and rapid recovery in the event of data loss, and for large enterprises and organizations that need comprehensive disaster recovery solutions to protect business-critical information and minimize downtime. Savecore DRaaS is also a resource for internal IT departments responsible for corporate incident and data loss preparedness.

What is DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service)?

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a cloud-based service that enables organizations to back up data and IT infrastructure in an external cloud environment. DRaaS includes all the necessary tools and processes to quickly restore access and functionality to IT systems after a disaster. By using a DRaaS service, the organization does not need to own or manage all disaster recovery resources itself, but can rely on a specialized service provider.

The importance of planning for potential disasters

Having a disaster recovery plan is crucial for business continuity. Many potential disasters that can cause major damage to an IT organization have become increasingly common in recent years:

  • Natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, forest fires and earthquakes
  • Equipment failure and power outages
  • Cyberattacks

Savecore understands the importance of having a robust and reliable DRaaS solution. Our expertise and advanced systems ensure your business can recover quickly and efficiently, minimizing disruption and ensuring continuity.

What is the difference between DRaaS and Backup as a Service (BaaS)?

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) and Backup as a Service (BaaS) are both cloud-based services, but they serve different purposes and offer different levels of protection for organizations’ IT infrastructure.

DRaaS is a comprehensive cloud service where the service provider not only backs up data, but also moves an organization’s data collection to its own cloud infrastructure in the event of a disaster. This means that the business can continue to operate even if the original IT infrastructure is completely destroyed or inaccessible. By including both data and the entire IT infrastructure, DRaaS enables rapid recovery of both data and operational functions, minimizing downtime and data loss.

BaaS focuses solely on backing up an organization’s data to a third-party cloud infrastructure. This service protects and stores data but does not include the recovery of the IT infrastructure. BaaS is a simpler service than DRaaS because it does not include the full recovery of IT systems and data collection. It is a good solution for companies that need to archive data for legal or regulatory reasons, but it does not provide the same level of business continuity as DRaaS.

Read more about BaaS here!

Benefits of DRaaS

With DRaaS, you get the benefits of cloud-based disaster recovery-nearly no data loss, fast recovery, and strong protection against cyberattacks-along with expert services to plan, provision, and manage the process. Here are some key benefits:

  • Scalability: Leverage the flexibility and agility of the cloud to scale up or down as needed with buffering capacity.
  • Speed: Get much faster recovery thanks to the near-continuous contact between primary and secondary environments, as well as guaranteed RTO and RPO for different workloads provided by your DR provider.

  • Consolidation: Eliminate multiple point solutions for apps and workloads spread across public or private clouds with a single enterprise-grade platform.
  • Simplicity: Get the convenience of a single user interface across cloud, core and edge, with the same security and compliance practices implemented everywhere.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Eliminate the need for large capital investments in infrastructure and applications and pay only for what you use.
  • Reduced staff requirements: Free up staff time by using automated recovery processes or by just making a call to your DRaaS provider. This allows your staff to work on revenue-generating projects instead of disaster planning and management.
  • Reduced risk: Limit manual processes with automation and orchestration that enables near-instant recovery, providing faster recovery time with prioritized applications and virtual machines that start correctly every time.
  • Enhanced security: Use your provider’s recovery resources to protect your environment and ensure business continuity around the clock.
  • Simplify compliance: Maintain a unified set of storage policies with one vendor that administers universal compliance requirements across all locations and business units.

Our knowledge, your peace of mind

With Savecore DRaas you get access to our technical expertise and support. Our team of specialists will help you with planning, configuration and recovery.

Tjänsteformulär ENG
Daniel Brorsson
System Architect