
In a modern world, the accessibility of your data cannot be emphasized enough. You want instant access to the information you want, anytime, anywhere. For any production solution of any meaningful size, configuring a cluster is highly recommended. Software clustering is the technique of using at least two instances for one service. Such redundancy not only provides reliability (the system can withstand a failure of at least one instance) but also helps to cope with high load.

Based on experience, the configuration of a cluster can be a challenging process that requires some time investment. To help you, our PaaS service automates some of the most popular clustering solutions and can execute them for you on demand directly from the “Topology Wizard”.

The service comes with automatic clustering of databases out-of-the-box to ensure that applications have high availability by default. From a complicated task requiring expertise to a simple automated step.

Automation simplifies and speeds up the creation of a reliable production cluster for your project.

Currently, the following templates support the Auto-Clustering feature via the “Topology Wizard”.

  • application servers – GlassFish, Payara, Jenkins, WildFly
  • SQL databases – MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL database – Couchbase, MongoDB
  • storage server – Shared Storage Container

Read more about how to do it

Sofia Lindblom
Cloud Account Manager

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